Even though we spent a week in New Mexico in March, we did not get to ride at that time. Instead, we rode in New Mexico in April/May due to its proximity to Durango, CO, where we hunkered down at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our first New Mexico ride was in the desert. The terrain was very similar to what we have experienced in Arizona and parts of Utah, very dry with lots of ledges. The trail we rode was called the Outer Limits Trail, because apparently a spaceship crashed here in 1948. You can read more about this in the blog here.
We went early to avoid the heat of the desert and with the loop being one way we didn't encounter many people. Even though the "non-motorized" sign was there at the entrance of the trail, the few souls we met were interested and supportive of us riding ebikes.
The second ride we did in New Mexico was around the Los Griegos Peak, near Los Alamos. This was amazing! We felt transported to the Pacific Northwest, so green and lush. We even found patches of snow at high altitude. A lot of this ride was on fire roads and took quite a bit of navigation and way finding, but the views were beautiful. We highly recommend this ride! For the first 15 out of the 23-mile loop we didn't see anybody. Near the river we saw people bathing but no cyclists. No anti ebike sign either which was nice :-)
Trail types: forest riding, high altitude - desert riding.
Trails we rode: Outer Limits trail (Aztec) and Las Conchas - Los Griegos Loop clockwise (Los Alamos).
